About Andy

Andy Stewart

About Andy

I believe that we are all capable of much more than we realise, and this belief drives my own purpose in life to the best possible version of me and to help those around me to be the best possible version of themselves. We achieve this through working with a growth mindset where all experiences whether positive or negative, teach us something if we take the time to look and understand what is going on around us. If we have the courage, being prepared to step out of our comfort zone every now and again will stretch our boundaries and create new learning experiences enabling us to move towards our goal.

Life is a Sine Curve came about following a talk at the bar one night, with me explaining to a friend the highs and lows experienced during the Marathon des Sables. How being resilient and focused on the goal of finishing kept me moving forward. It was only after the event that I realised how ultrarunning mirrors our everyday lives.

This blog follows the highs and lows of my own ultramarathon experiences and I hope offers you some practical tools to help you enjoy and progress further along your own running journey.

Ultramarathon running has given me the confidence to continuously challenge myself in everything I do. If you are struggling to achieve your goal, then please do get in touch – email me at andy@lifeisasinecurve.com

Happy running
